Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 275, The Hague, The Netherlands +31(0)70 365 46 77

Join Spreek Nederlands Dag 2015 (Speak Dutch Day)!

‘Spreek Nederlands Dag’ in the news!

We are very happy with all the press attention we got for ‘Spreek Nederlands Dag’ 2015!

In the days before the event we received several calls from the press, even from the ANP (the Dutch AP).

We got the chance to share our story on local and national radio (Den Haag FM and Radio 1), in three national newspapers (Algemeen Dagblad, de Volkskrant and De Telegraaf) and on local and national newssites (Omroep West,,

We are especially grateful for the full page article in de Volkskrant. Mission for 2015 accomplished!


> En de winnaar van Spreek Nederlands Dag 2015 is…

> And the winner of Speak Dutch Day 2015 is…

Café Restaurant Leopold op het Plein in Den Haag! They scored all twelve points and many pluspoints! They were patient, polite and enthusiastic. Café Leopold makes expats feel at home by letting them speak Dutch, and encouraging it!

‘Spreek Nederlands Dag’ is intended for internationals who want to speak Dutch in public more often. International people often don’t get enough opportunity to practise their Dutch. Frequently they get an English reply when they attempt to speak it. Direct Dutch Institute started their ‘Spreek Nederlands! Met mij!’ campaign in 2013. ‘Spreek Nederlands Dag 2015’, in Central Library The Hague, once again raised awareness for this issue!

See you at Spreek Nederlands Dag 2016!!!

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Route with public transport:

Trams are riding an alternative route on Saturday 27 June. No worries! The centre of the Hague is accessible with tram 2, 3, 4 en 6 (from Central Station to ‘Spui’). This is your stop for Central Library The Hague!

If you come from Station Hollands Spoor you have to take tram 1, 9 of 17 to Central Station (and then tram 2,3,4 or 6 to ‘Spui’)

We have taken this information from the website of the HTM, but please be anware of any changes during the day!


Join other internationals on ‘Spreek Nederlands Dag 2015’ on Saturday 27 June!




> Zaterdag 27 juni is het ‘Spreek Nederlands Dag’! Doe mee! 

> Saturday 27 June is ‘Speak Dutch Day’! Participate!


‘Spreek Nederlands dag’?

‘Spreek Nederlands Dag’ is intended for internationals who want to speak Dutch in public more often. Are you one of them? Read on!

International people often don’t get enough opportunity to practise their Dutch. Frequently they get an English reply when they attempt to speak it. Direct Dutch Institute started their ‘Spreek Nederlands! Met mij!’ campaign in 2013. ‘Spreek Nederlands Dag 2015’, in Central Library The Hague, will once again raise awareness for this issue!

Fight for your right to speak Dutch! Take part in ‘Spreek Nederlands Dag 2015’!


How can you join?

Join the free masterclass ‘Speaking Dutch in shops and restaurants’, have a drink with other internationals and Dutch volunteers and practise speaking Dutch. Helped out by Dutch teachers if needed, of course! In the workshop you will learn some helpful Dutch phrases for speaking Dutch in shops and restaurants. The masterclass is suitable for all levels.

You can also actively participate! Join a small test group, made of expats and a Dutch volunteer. Each group will go to two locations in the centre of The Hague to check if the personnel will let them speak Dutch. All levels are welcome to participate, even if you only speak very little Dutch! A toolkit for conversation will be provided. Every group fills in a score form. At the end of the afternoon the Direct Dutch Trophy is handed out to the shop or restaurant with the highest score.

All supporters/participants on ‘Spreek Nederlands Dag’ will receive a Direct Dutch certificate.


Want to particate? Send and email to to register for free. Don’t forget to mention if you would also like to be registered for a ‘test group’.


Programme ‘Spreek Nederlands Dag 2015’

Location Central Library The Hague (Spui 68, first floor)


11:00 – 11:30 hrs              – Coffee and tea
11:30 – 11:45 hrs              – Speech by Alderman for ‘Knowledge economy, International affairs,   Youth and Education’ Ingrid van Engelshoven
12:00 – 12:45 hrs              – Masterclass ‘Speaking Dutch in shops and restaurants’ by Direct           Dutch  teacher Dr. Ruud Hisgen
13:15 – 14:30 hrs              – Test groups go into the centre of The Hague
14:30 – 15:30 hrs              – Certificates are handed out to all supporters/participants, the                winning restaurant is determined
15:30 – 15:40 hrs              – Word of thanks
15:40 – 16:00 hrs              – Teachers of Direct Dutch hand out a trophy to the winning restaurant
16:00 hrs                            – The end

Direct Dutch Institute organises ‘Spreek Nederlands Dag’ in cooperation with The Hague Public Library, Het Taalhuis, The British School in The Hague, De Taalunie, Webster University Leiden, Access, I am Expat and several other partners.



 Press release 02-06-2015

Speak Dutch Day 2015 goes national (and involves kids)  

Saturday 27 June 2015 is the second edition of Speak Dutch Day (Spreek Nederlands Dag). Direct Dutch Institute organises this event in cooperation with The Hague Public Library, The British school in The Hague, De Taalunie and several other partners. ‘Spreek Nederlands Dag’ is intended for expats who want to speak Dutch in public more often. International people often don’t get enough opportunity to practise their Dutch. Frequently they get an English reply when they attempt to speak it. Even international children encounter this problem. The alderman for Knowledge economy, International affairs, Youth and Education, Ingrid van Engelshoven will officially open ‘Spreek Nederlands Dag 2015’ at 11:30 a.m. in Central Library The Hague.

Do you want to participate in one of our activities in Central Library The Hague on Speak Dutch Day?  Send an email to to registrate (for free).


National day

The first edition of ‘Spreek Nederlands Dag’, held on Saturday 5 July 2014, was initiated by Direct Dutch Institute. This year the event is supported by several partners such as The Hague Public Library, Het Taalhuis, The British school in The Hague, Webster University Leiden and De Taalunie. ‘Spreek Nederlands Dag’ is now a national day.

Let expats speak Dutch!

Almost two years Direct Dutch Institute started a campaign because their students of Dutch hardly get the chance to practise Dutch in shops and restaurants. When they try to, they usually get a response in English. The language institute designed a button for their students with the words ‘Spreek Nederlands! Met Mij!’ (Speak Dutch with me). Several thousands of buttons have been distributed so far.

Let children speak Dutch!

Not only adults have a hard time practising Dutch in public. International children, too, get an English reply when they try to speak Dutch. That’s why The British School in The Hague is actively involved in ‘Spreek Nederlands Dag 2015’. Teachers of Dutch at The British school invite pupils to come to Central Library The Hague on ‘Spreek Nederlands Dag’ to participate in a special program.

Activities on ‘Spreek Nederlands dag’

‘Spreek Nederlands Dag 2015’ starts at 11:00 a.m. in Central Library The Hague. At 11:30 alderman Ingrid van Engelshoven will give a speech. After that all the participants will get a short workshop in which they will be taught some helpful Dutch phrases. Accompanied by a Dutch volunteer small groups will go out in the centre of The Hague to test if the personnel in restaurants and cafe’s will let them speak Dutch. At the end of the day the Direct Dutch Trophy is handed out to the shop or restaurant with the highest score.

Anybody who is interested in speaking Dutch is welcome to join us! Participation is free, registration is required. The program for children is only for children of The British School in The Hague.

Do you want to participate? Send an email to to registrate (for free).

Not convinced that internationals in the Netherlands should learn to speak Dutch? Let us give you a few reasons! And if you would like to start speaking Dutch in public, here are some handy phrases!


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