Workshop, level of Dutch A2 + / B1
Dutch up! on Dutch cabaret
Ruud Hisgen will guide you through the world of Dutch comedians. They call it cabaret and sometimes ‘kleinkunst’ (little art). Sometimes it looks like stand-up comedy, sometimes like vaudeville, but even though there are serious moments, the event is mainly funny. Why is cabaret so popular in the Netherlands? Where and when does it come from? What is it about? Who are these funny Dutchies and Flemmies? In this workshop we shall look at several funny sketches and acts and try to make sense of the Dutch texts. Hilarious or not? You decide.
In deze workshop is Ruud Hisgen de gids door de wereld van de Nederlandse komieken. Wat is cabaret precies en wat is het verschil met het komische theater van andere landen en culturen? Waar komt het typisch Nederlandse fenomeen vandaan? Hoe oud is het en waarom is het altijd zo populair geweest? Waar gaat het over? Wie zijn de grappigste Nederlanders en Belgen van dit moment? We kijken naar de acts van allerlei mannelijke en vrouwelijke cabaretiers en lezen met elkaar de teksten van hun sketches en liedjes. Grappig of niet? Jij mag het zeggen.
Dutch up!
Dutch up! is a great way to practise speaking Dutch while also learning more about typical Dutch subjects. This workshop will be in simple Dutch so you have to have some knowledge of Dutch to be able to fully participate (level A2Â +). The entrance is free, registration is required: send an email to
Email to register for one or more places. Please be quick, there are limited number of places available!
> What? Dutch up! on Dutch cabaret
> When? Sunday 30 October 2016 from 13.30 – 15.30 hrs
> Where? Centrale Bibliotheek Den Haag (Spui 68, third floor)
> Interested? Mail to register (limited)