On Sunday September 10 we will present you with a new edition of our workshop series Dutch up!. This time we will dive into the history of our hometown, The Hague. Do you want to know more about the ‘international city of peace and justice’ and do you want to improve your Dutch? Then this is meant for you. The workshop is in Dutch, level A2+ / B1 and higher. Registration is free, see below.
The Hague in a Nutshell / Den Haag in een notendop
In this new edition of Dutch up! we are finally covering ‘our’ city! Dive with us into the fascinating history of Den Haag, The Hague or ‘s-Gravenhage, however you prefer to call it. The Hague is not the capital of the Netherlands, but with a résumé this impressive, one would definitely think it was! It is the residence of the Dutch national parliament, for instance. The Hague is also known as the ‘international city of peace and justice’ as it is the hometown of the U.N.’s International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court, among other courts and tribunals.
In deze nieuwe editie van Dutch up! duiken we eindelijk in de geschiedenis van onze thuisstad Den Haag. Den Haag heeft een indrukwekkend cv. Je zou bijna denken dat het de hoofstad van Nederland was! De Nederlandse regering en het parlement zijn er gevestigd, en het is de residentie van het koninklijk huis. Daarnaast huisvest de stad vele nationale en internationale rechtscolleges, waaronder het Internationaal Gerechtshof, en het Internationaal Strafhof.
Dutch up!
Dutch up! is a great way to practise speaking Dutch while also learning more about typical Dutch subjects. This workshop will be in simple Dutch so you have to have some knowledge of Dutch to be able to fully participate (level A2+ / B1+). The entrance is free, registration is required: send an email to dutchup@directdutch.com.

Email dutchup@directdutch.com to register for one or more places. Please be quick, places are limited!
> What? Workshop: ‘Dutch up!, The Hague in a Nutshell’
> When? Sunday September 10 2017 from 13.00 – 15.00 hrs (walk in from 12:45 hrs)
> Where? Central Library The Hague (Spui 68, third floor)
> Interested? Mail dutchup@directdutch.com to register