Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 275, The Hague, The Netherlands +31(0)70 365 46 77

Workshop Sunday January 27 ‘De fiets’ (The bicycle)

(English information below)

Leer je Nederlands? Wil je je Nederlands oefenen? Kom dan naar onze workshop over ‘de fiets’ op zondag 27 januari! De workshop is in het Nederlands (level A2 en hoger). Ruud Hisgen (Direct Dutch) geeft een lezing en daarna maken we samen opdrachten. Inschrijven is gratis en kan via De workshop vindt plaats in Centrale Bibliotheek Den Haag. Meer details vind je in het Engelse deel.


‘The Dutch holy horse: the bicycle’

Question: What’s the difference between a Dutchie and a foreigner? Answer: the foreigner notices all the bicycles and the Dutchie doesn’t.

In The Netherlands we are used to the sight of bicycles. According to the Bovag there were 22,5 million bikes in the Netherlands in 2015. With over 17 million inhabitants, this means there are more bikes than people. No wonder our country spends 400 million euro a year on bicycle infrastructure!

Teacher and author Ruud Hisgen (Direct Dutch) knows a thing or two about the ‘Dutch holy horse’: the bicycle. On Sunday January 27 he will happily share this knowledge with you in an informal setting. The workshop is in Dutch (from level A2 and higher). During the workshop there will be assignments to make sure everyone understands all the Dutch. Registration is free. You can find all the details below.


Do you want to sign up for this workshop? Great! Send an email to to register for one or more places, for free. Here are all the details you need:

> Workshop about ‘De Fiets’ (The Bicycle), level of Dutch: A2 and higher

> Sunday January 27 2019  from 13.00 – 15.00 hrs (doors open at 12:45 hrs)

> Central Library The Hague (Spui 68, third floor)

> Email to register


‘Spreek samen Nederlands’ is an initiative of Direct Dutch Institute and Public Library The Hague