Have you heard of the organisation called ‘Embrace Europe’? We hadn’t, untill our friends from The Hague International Centre told us in May 2019 that there was a ‘Spreek Nederlands met me’ campaign going around. This slogan is very similar to our ‘Spreek Nederlands met mij’ campaign, which we started in 2013. So of course we were very curious to find out what this campaign was about. On their website we found out Embrace Europe is a non profit organisation. Their aim is to promote understanding, respect and cohesion between citizens of Europe and the many newcomers. Their ‘Spreek Nederlands met me’ campaign is based on the idea that language is the key to understanding. Who could disagree with this?
To show that we support this campaign we decided to make a new edition of our ‘Spreek Nederlands met mij’ badge: the Europe edition. This button can be ordered for free. The first edition of the badge is, of course, also still available!
Group orders
We get many group requests for our badge. We are happy that so many of you want to use the badge within your company or school. Unfortunately the amount of requests is too high to do it for free. Do you want to order this button for everyone in your class or department? If so, we kindly ask you to pay for the cost price (€ 0.33 a piece) plus shipping costs. Individual requests (for one or a few pieces) are free of charge.
Order the button here. Make sure to mention you would like to receive the ‘Europe’ edition!