Direct Dutch workshop ‘De Oranjes’
Click to register
Date > Sunday April 30 2023
Location > Central Library The Hague, Spui 68 Den Haag (4th floor, room Dok B)
Times > 14:30 to 16:30 hrs (room Dok B will be open from 14:00 hrs)
Level of Dutch > A2 and higher
Free registration > Registration form workshop 30-04-2023
De Oranjes – The Dutch Royal Family
Nederland was één van de eerste republieken ter wereld. Maar inmiddels zijn we alweer langer dan twee eeuwen een monarchie. Wat heeft geleid tot het ontstaan van de Nederlandse monarchie? Wie waren de voorgangers van Koning Willem-Alexander en Koningin Maxima? En wat is de rol van de koninklijke familie in de moderne Nederlandse samenleving? Ruud Hisgen (Direct Dutch) neemt je mee op reis door de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse monarchie!
Direct Dutch workshop
Our workshops are in Dutch and focus on typical Dutch subjects. In recent years, we have covered a diverse range of subjects, including the monarchy, politics, and Dutch water management. Our workshops provide opportunities for discussion, question-and-answer sessions, and interactive exercises. To fully grasp the content of the workshops, it is recommended to have at least an A2 level proficiency in Dutch.
Participation in our events is completely free, registration is required. To register, please complete this registration form. If you have trouble filling out the form, please send an email to