Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 275, The Hague, The Netherlands +31(0)70 365 46 77

Schrijfvaardigheid B1+ (online)

8 weeks, 16 hours (1 lesson of 2 hours per week).
Online course, with a maximum of 6 students.

Level:B1+ CEFR
Group size:Max. 6 students (for the online course)
Duration:8 weeks, 16 hours (1 lesson of 2 hours per week)
Homework:2 hours per week
Times:Thursday, 18:30 to 20:30 hrs.
Course material:

Course material is provided by the teacher throughout the course

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Price:EURO 460,00 (including course material!)
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Schrijfvaardigheid B1+ (online)

Online classes at Direct Dutch

• The same approved (direct) method of teaching Dutch.
• A virtual classroom with a teacher and a maximum of 6 students.
• Real time audio and video.
• Smaller groups with a maximum of 6 students (compared to 8 in our regular classes).
• A video conference setting with room to ask questions, practise your speaking skills and interact with- and listen to other students.
• Interactive tools: virtual whiteboard, screen sharing, document sharing, real time notes and more.
• Course material, sent to you by post (no charge) or you can pick up your book at Direct Dutch Institute
• You can find more info about our online classes here.

Course description

Have you reached your B1 level in Dutch but are you still not a confident speaker or writer? We’ve got two courses that you might be interested in: Schrijfvaardigheid and Spreekvaardigheid. Since you already understand Dutch, the course description is in Dutch. If you can understand it, then the course is suitable for you!


We maken samenvattingen van actuele interessante krantenartikelen en corrigeren deze. In het eerste uur van de les kijken we naar de grammaticale obstakels die een goede tekst in de weg staan.

Wat zijn die hardnekkige problemen? Inversie, woordvolgorde in bijzinnen, wel of geen ‘de’ of ‘het’ of ‘een’. Spelling: is het ‘d’ of ‘t’ of ‘dt’? Voorzetsels. Is het ‘wachten op de bus’ of ‘wachten voor de bus’? Vocabulaire, idiomen….

Tijdens de cursus Schrijfvaardigheid maken we schrijfopdrachten die in een kleine groep worden besproken. Natuurlijk komen spelling en grammatica aan de orde, maar het belangrijkst is de keuze van woorden en idiomen voor specifieke teksten.

De cursus duurt 8 weken (2 uur les per week).


This course requires an intermediate knowledge of Dutch (B1 level CEFR). Students who didn’t complete the Intermediate B1 course at Direct Dutch Institute are required to book an appointment for a free oral test. For more information about course levels (the CEFR), our intakes and course prerequisites, please go the page ‘Where do I start?

Can I first enrol in a course, and do the intake later?
All courses that start higher than A0 have prerequisites. An intake is required if you haven’t completed a course at Direct Dutch before AND you want to take a course that doesn’t start at A0.

If you want to enrol in a course, and worry about the intake later, that’s fine. After we receive your enrolment form, we will inform you if a free oral test is required. Please also feel free to book an appointment for a free oral test prior to enrolling in a course.

For more information about course levels (the CEFR), our intakes and course prerequisites, please go the page ‘Where do I start?‘ Would you rather talk to one of us in person? Please feel free to contact our office!

Starting dates

Choose your preferred date & time to enrol. After you completed the enrolment form you will hear back from us by email. If you don’t receive an email within two working days, please send an email to

What does available, waiting list or fully booked mean?
AVAILABLE: There’s a place available on the course. Enrol to reserve your place. You will be asked to confirm your place before the date mentioned in our follow up email.
WAITING LIST: A place might become available. Not all students have confirmed their places. If you enrol in the course you will be placed on the waiting list. We will contact you if a place becomes available.
FULLY BOOKED: Enrolment is closed. All students have confirmed their places.
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