Throughout our website, you can find information about us, our courses and the enrolment process. But to make your life easier, we summed up the most frequently asked question, and their answers, on this page. So please check out the categories below, if you are looking for a quick answer to your questions!
If you have other questions, or if you would like to talk to us in person, please feel free to contact our office! You can also reach out to us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
FAQ Direct Dutch courses
What's the Direct (Dutch) teaching method?
Direct Dutch Institute has the word ‘direct’ in its name because we teach the language directly and intensively by speaking Dutch. The teacher speaks Dutch to students from the very beginning!
Our teaching method, called 'Home in in Holland', is a method of our own design. This method is based on the understanding that the process of learning can be speeded up if speaking and listening get more priority than reading and writing.
We also believe that it is really important to incorporate cultural information in our courses.
To read more about the Direct Dutch method please go to Direct Dutch Institute and the (Direct) dutch method.
What are the course prerequisites?
Beginners A1 - no prerequisites
THE BEGINNERS A1 COURSE is meant for absolute beginners with no prior knowledge of Dutch.
Required level of Dutch: no prior level of Dutch is required to take this course.
Grammar will be explained in English, if needed. Therefore you need to speak some English.
There are 2 lessons of 1,5 hours per week. After seven weeks you will have reached level A1 CEFR.
For more information, starting dates and the enrolment form, here are the links to the course pages:
Intensive Beginners A1 - A2 - no prerequisites
THE INTENSIVE BEGINNERS (A0 - A2) COURSE is meant for absolute beginners with no prior knowledge of Dutch.
Required level of Dutch: no prior level of Dutch is required to take this course. Grammar will be explained in English, if needed. Therefore you need to speak some English.
Lessons are on Monday to Friday from 09:30 to 17:00 hrs. After ten days you will have reached level A2 CEFR.
The lessons are at our school in The Hague..
For more information, starting dates and the enrolment form, here’s the link to the course page: Intensive Beginners course
Beginners A2 - Required level: A1
THE BEGINNERS A2 COURSE builds on the Beginners A1 course and is meant for students who already know some Dutch.
Required level of Dutch: A1
Grammar will be explained in English, if needed. Therefore you need to speake some English.
There are 2 lessons of 1,5 hours per week. After seven weeks you will have reached level A2 CEFR.
For more information, starting dates and the enrolment form, here are the links to the course pages:
Intermediate B1 - Required level: A2
THE INTERMEDIATE B1 COURSE is meant for students who master the basics of Dutch and want to take it to the next level.
Required level of Dutch: A2
There is 1 lesson of 2 hours per week. After twelve weeks you will have reached level B1 CEFR.
For more information, starting dates and the enrolment form, visit the course pages:
Intensive Intermediate B1 - Required level: A2
THE INTENSIVE INTERMEDIATE B1 COURSE is meant for students who master the basics of Dutch and want to take it to the next level.
Required level of Dutch: A2
Lessons are on Monday to Friday from 13:30 to 16:45 hrs. After ten days you will have reached level B1.
The Intensive Intermediate course is at our school in The Hague.
For more information, starting dates and enrolment form, here’s the link to the course page: Intensive Intermediate
Advanced B2 - Required level: B1
THE ADVANCED B2 COURSE is meant for students who are able to use Dutch (more or less) fluently in everyday life and want to master the language on a professional level.
Required level of Dutch: B1
There is 1 lesson of 2 hours per week. After twelve weeks you will have reached level B2 CEFR.
For more information, starting dates and the enrolment form, here’s the link to the course page: Advanced B2
Intensive Advanced B2 - Required level: B1
THE INTENSIVE ADVANCES B2 is meant for students who are able to use Dutch (more or less) fluently in everyday life and want to master the language on a professional level.
Required level of Dutch: B1
Lessons are on Monday to Friday from 13:30 to 16:45 hrs. After ten days you will have reached level B2 CEFR.
The Intensice Advanced course is at our school in The Hague.
For more information, starting dates and the enrolment form, here’s the link to the course page: Intensive Advanced B2
Spreekvaardigheid B1+ - Required level: B1 or higher
THE SPREEKVAARDIGHEID B1+ COURSE is for anyone who reached B1 in Dutch but is still not confident enough to speak Dutch in professional settings.
Required level of Dutch: B1. This course is suitable for all advanced levels of Dutch (native speakers are welcome too).
There is 1 lesson of 2 hours per week.
This eight week course is at our institute in The Hague.
For more information, starting dates and the enrolment form, here’s the link to the course page: Spreekvaardigheid B1+
Schrijfvaardigheid B1+ - Required level: B1 or higher
THE SCHRIJFVAARDIGHEID B1+ COURSE is for anyone who reached B1 in Dutch but is still not confident enough to write Dutch in professional settings.
Required level of Dutch: B1. This course is suitable for all advanced levels of Dutch (native speakers are welcome too).
There is 1 lesson of 2 hours per week.
This eight week course is online only!
For more information, starting dates and the enrolment form, here’s the link to the course page: Schrijfvaardigheid B1+
Private lessons
Direct Dutch offers one on one sessions at all levels. We also offer private group courses.
For more information please contact our office!
Does Direct Dutch hand out certificates?
Students who participated in a Direct Dutch course, and finished the test at the end of the course, will receive a Direct Dutch certificate, stating their level of Dutch.
At Direct Dutch, we use the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) to denote the levels of our courses. Read more about the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) here.
The level on a language certificate is always a general indicator of the proficiency level of the individual student. For example. Some students might be more confident expressing themselves in Dutch than other students, after taking the same course. This might have to do with language background, individual learning styles and interests.
Does Direct Dutch give grades and what are they based on?
At the end, or towards the end, of the course there will be a test (or tests) to assess your level of Dutch. Your score on this test will be part of your end grade.
The teacher will also consider your attendance, participation in class, Dutch conversation skills and your general progress during the course.
At Direct Dutch, we use the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) to denote the levels of our courses. Read more about the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) here.
What does available, waiting list or fully booked mean?
On our course pages you can see that some courses are available, some are fully booked, and for some courses there’s a waiting list. Here you can read what this means:
AVAILABLE: There’s a place available on the course. Enrol to reserve your place. You will be asked to confirm your place before the date mentioned in our follow up email.
WAITING LIST: A place might become available. Not all students have confirmed their places. If you enrol in the course you will be placed on the waiting list. We will contact you if a place becomes available.
FULLY BOOKED: Enrolment is closed. All students have confirmed their places.
How are Direct Dutch ONLINE courses organised?
Our online courses employ the same proven (direct) method of teaching Dutch as our traditional courses. Here are the key distinctions:
• A virtual classroom with a live teacher and a maximum of 6 students.
• Real time audio and video.
• Smaller groups with a maximum of 6 students (compared to 8 in our regular classes).
• An interactive setting with room to ask questions, practise your speaking skills and interact with- and listen to other students.
• Interactive tools: virtual whiteboard, screen sharing, document sharing, real time notes and more.
• Course material, sent to you by post (no charge) or you can pick up your book at Direct Dutch Institute
You can find more info about our online classes here.
What does CEFR stand for?
Like most language schools, at Direct Dutch institute we use the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) to denote the levels of our courses.
The CEFR describes what a learner is supposed to be able to do in reading, listening, speaking and writing at each level.
Over the past years, those six reference levels have become widely accepted as the European standard for grading an individual’s language proficiency. Click here for a short description of the different levels.
What safety measures did Direct Dutch take during times of COVID-19?
Right at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Direct Dutch switched most courses to online.
Whenever the situation allowed for in-house courses, they were organised with 7 students instead of 8. The classroom was adjusted so students were able to keep 1.5 meter distance.
In addition, there were strict hygiene measures throughout the building to combat the spread of COVID-19. Everyone was required to wear a mask when walking around the building, when necessary.
At this moment Direct Dutch offers both in-house courses and online courses, and will continue to do so.
FAQ Direct Dutch intake test and prerequisites
Are intakes required for Direct Dutch courses?
At Direct Dutch we have courses with and courses without prerequisites. Therefore an intake might be required.
Courses that start at A0 don't have course prerequisites, therefore an intake is not required. You do need to understand some English, because some of the grammar might be explained in English, if necessary.
Courses that start at A0 are the Beginners A0 - A1 and the Intensive Beginners course A0 - A2. All our other courses have prerequisites.
All courses that start above A0 do have prerequisites, therefore a free intake might be required. A free intake is required if you:
- haven’t completed a course at Direct Dutch before
- if you completed a course at Direc Dutch longer than 6 months ago.
After we receive your enrolment form, we will inform you if a free oral intake test is required. Please also feel free to book an appointment for a free oral test prior to enrolling in a course.
If you completed a course at Direct Dutch before, and you want to enrol in the subsequent course, you're good to go! You don't need to do an intake, unless you teacher advised otherwise.
For more information about course levels (the CEFR), our intakes and course prerequisites, please go the page ‘Where do I start?‘. Would you rather talk to one of us in person? Please feel free to contact our office!
What are the prerequisites for Direct Dutch courses?
Beginners A1 - no prerequisites
THE BEGINNERS A1 COURSE is meant for absolute beginners with no prior knowledge of Dutch.
Required level of Dutch: no prior level of Dutch is required to take this course.
Grammar will be explained in English, if needed. Therefore you need to speak some English.
There are 2 lessons of 1,5 hours per week. After seven weeks you will have reached level A1 CEFR.
For more information, starting dates and the enrolment form, here are the links to the course pages:
Intensive Beginners A1 - A2 - no prerequisites
THE INTENSIVE BEGINNERS (A0 - A2) COURSE is meant for absolute beginners with no prior knowledge of Dutch.
Required level of Dutch: no prior level of Dutch is required to take this course. Grammar will be explained in English, if needed. Therefore you need to speak some English.
Lessons are on Monday to Friday from 09:30 to 17:00 hrs. After ten days you will have reached level A2 CEFR.
The lessons are at our school in The Hague..
For more information, starting dates and the enrolment form, here’s the link to the course page: Intensive Beginners course
Beginners A2 - Required level: A1
THE BEGINNERS A2 COURSE builds on the Beginners A1 course and is meant for students who already know some Dutch.
Required level of Dutch: A1
Grammar will be explained in English, if needed. Therefore you need to speake some English.
There are 2 lessons of 1,5 hours per week. After seven weeks you will have reached level A2 CEFR.
For more information, starting dates and the enrolment form, here are the links to the course pages:
Intermediate B1 - Required level: A2
THE INTERMEDIATE B1 COURSE is meant for students who master the basics of Dutch and want to take it to the next level.
Required level of Dutch: A2
There is 1 lesson of 2 hours per week. After twelve weeks you will have reached level B1 CEFR.
For more information, starting dates and the enrolment form, visit the course pages:
Intensive Intermediate B1 - Required level: A2
THE INTENSIVE INTERMEDIATE B1 COURSE is meant for students who master the basics of Dutch and want to take it to the next level.
Required level of Dutch: A2
Lessons are on Monday to Friday from 13:30 to 16:45 hrs. After ten days you will have reached level B1.
The Intensive Intermediate course is at our school in The Hague.
For more information, starting dates and enrolment form, here’s the link to the course page: Intensive Intermediate
Advanced B2 - Required level: B1
THE ADVANCED B2 COURSE is meant for students who are able to use Dutch (more or less) fluently in everyday life and want to master the language on a professional level.
Required level of Dutch: B1
There is 1 lesson of 2 hours per week. After twelve weeks you will have reached level B2 CEFR.
For more information, starting dates and the enrolment form, here’s the link to the course page: Advanced B2
Intensive Advanced B2 - Required level: B1
THE INTENSIVE ADVANCES B2 is meant for students who are able to use Dutch (more or less) fluently in everyday life and want to master the language on a professional level.
Required level of Dutch: B1
Lessons are on Monday to Friday from 13:30 to 16:45 hrs. After ten days you will have reached level B2 CEFR.
The Intensice Advanced course is at our school in The Hague.
For more information, starting dates and the enrolment form, here’s the link to the course page: Intensive Advanced B2
Spreekvaardigheid B1+ - Required level: B1 or higher
THE SPREEKVAARDIGHEID B1+ COURSE is for anyone who reached B1 in Dutch but is still not confident enough to speak Dutch in professional settings.
Required level of Dutch: B1. This course is suitable for all advanced levels of Dutch (native speakers are welcome too).
There is 1 lesson of 2 hours per week.
This eight week course is at our institute in The Hague.
For more information, starting dates and the enrolment form, here’s the link to the course page: Spreekvaardigheid B1+
Schrijfvaardigheid B1+ - Required level: B1 or higher
THE SCHRIJFVAARDIGHEID B1+ COURSE is for anyone who reached B1 in Dutch but is still not confident enough to write Dutch in professional settings.
Required level of Dutch: B1. This course is suitable for all advanced levels of Dutch (native speakers are welcome too).
There is 1 lesson of 2 hours per week.
This eight week course is online only!
For more information, starting dates and the enrolment form, here’s the link to the course page: Schrijfvaardigheid B1+
Private lessons
Direct Dutch offers one on one sessions at all levels. We also offer private group courses.
For more information please contact our office!
I took a course at another language school, do I still need an intake?
If you finished a Dutch course at a different language school, you are more than welcome to obtain the next level at Direct Dutch Institute. Before you enrol in the course, you are required to book an appointment for a free oral test.
Most language schools use the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) to denote the levels of their courses. Nevertheless, different language schools have different teaching methods. Some schools are grammar based and others focus on speaking entirely.
During the free intake we can find out whether our method of teaching matches your current level. This way we can ensure that you will enrol in the right course!
To read more about the Direct Dutch method please go to Direct Dutch Institute and the (Direct) dutch method.
Read more about the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) here.
Can I first enrol in the course and do the intake later?
All courses that start above A0 have prerequisites. You are required to do an intake for a course that starts above A0, if you haven’t completed a course at Direct Dutch before.
It's possible to enrol in a course, without having done the intake first. After we receive your enrolment form, we will inform you whether or not a free oral test is required.
Please keep in mind that we can only confirm you place in the course after you have done the intake test. So don't wait too long to book an appointment for a free oral test.
Where do I start?
So you want to learn Dutch, but you have no idea where to start? Or you want to seriously improve your Dutch, after learning a little bit of the language on your own? The information on this page will guide you in the right direction!
FAQ NT2 State Exams and DUO loan
What is the difference in language level between the two NT2 state exams?
The NT2 (Dutch as a Second Language) State exam is the official national exam, authorized by the Dutch government and organized by DUO — previously called the Informatie Beheer Groep (IB-groep) — since 1992.
The exam is meant for internationals who are at least eighteen years old and want to prove that they have a sufficient command of the language to be able to follow education in Dutch, or work in a Dutch company. The exam is recognized throughout Dutch higher education and by many Dutch employers.
Programme I and Programme II
There are two exam programmes, directed at two different target groups. Both exams consist of four parts, being a reading, writing, listening and speaking exam. You have to pass all four exams in order to get your certificate.
Programme I (level B1 CEFR) is designed for people who want to work in vocational jobs, or follow a training for such jobs (e.g. at a Dutch ROC).
Programme II (level B2 CEFR) is meant for people who want to work in middle and higher level jobs or want to study in Dutch higher education (e.g. at a Dutch hogeschool or university) .
The assignments in the programme II exam are more difficult and elaborate than the assignments in programme I. However, please note that your Dutch does not have to be perfect for either of the exams. During the exams, participants are allowed to use a dictionary and are allowed to make (some) mistakes as well.
After the Direct Dutch Intermediate B1 course, students are ready for the NT2-I exam.
The assignments in the programme II exam require a set of specific skills. Please talk to your teacher if you are planning to take the exam after the Advanced B2 course.
More information
Click here for more information in Dutch about the NT2-II exam at the website from DUO.
Click here to read an article about the NT2 exam in English at
Click here to have a look at previous NT2 I and II exams.
Click here to subscribe for the exam straight away.
Do Direct Dutch courses prepare for the NT2 State exams?
NT2 Programme I level B1
After the Intermediate B1 course, you will receive a Direct Dutch certificate, stating you have completed the Intermediate B1 course. After the B1 course, students are generally well prepared to take the official NT2 State Exam Programme I.
In the 10th lesson of the B1 course, students will take home the reading exam of the NT2 Programme I exam to prepare as homework. In the 11th lesson they’ll take home the writing exam of the NT2 Programme I exam. In the last lesson students will take the listening exam in class. As an additional service, Direct Dutch gives students the opportunity to make an appointment with the teacher for the oral exam (free of charge).
Test NT2 Programme II level B2
After the Advanced B2 course, you will receive a Direct Dutch certificate, stating you have completed the Advanced B2 course. After the B2 course, students are generally well prepared to take the official NT2 State Exam Programme II.
In the 10th lesson of the course, students will take home the reading exam of the NT2 Programme II exam to prepare as homework. In the 11th lesson they’ll take home the writing exam of the NT2 Programme II exam. In the last lesson students will take the listening exam in class.
The assignments in the programme II exam require a set of specific skills. Please talk to your teacher if you are planning to take the exam after the Advanced B2 course. As an additional service, Direct Dutch gives students the opportunity to make an appointment with the teacher for the oral exam (free of charge).
Does Direct Dutch accept students with a DUO loan?
There is the possibility to borrow money from DUO if you attend a course programme at a civic integration school with the ‘Blik op Werk’ quality mark. We are not a civic integration school, therefore you cannot use your DUO loan to pay for a course at Direct Dutch Institute. Please go to zoekinburgerschool to find information about finding a good civic integration school.
Please note that all the info from the FAQ can be found throughout our website as well. We are currently working on this FAQ page, so some information might not be in this FAQ, as of right now. In this case, make sure to check out our coursepages, or the webpage ‘Where do I start?’.