Company NT2 II exam training ( B2 – C1 CEFR)
The NT2-II Course is meant for students who want to take part in the NT2 State exam II. The course prepares your employees for the exam by thoroughly training the specific reading, writing, listening and speaking skills required to pass the exam successfully.
Like all our courses, the NT2 course is highly interactive and focuses on communication. Your employees prepare for every class by covering one chapter from the book, correcting their work independently at home. The first half of each class is devoted to in depth discussion of the home work. The second half focuses on speaking and listening exercises. Dutch is spoken throughout the course.
This course requires an advanced knowledge of Dutch (B2 level CEFR). Direct Dutch will assess your employees’ current level of Dutch in an oral test.
At the end of the course, your employees are well prepared to take part in the NT2 State exam Programme II. This exam is recognized by many employers and in higher education throughout the Netherlands to attest that someone masters Dutch on a professional level.
Click here to read more about this exam and here to subscribe for the exam right away.
Are you interested in our company courses? Please contact Zsuzsa Alsemgeest-Jonas, email:, telephone: 070-3654677